Thursday, January 28, 2010

Here's the Deal

Here's the deal, and I'm going to level with you.  It's hard to get out and run all the time, right?  Consistency, for me, has been a huge challenge in North Carolina.  Well, since my marathon in November, I've been a running slacker.  An exercise slacker.  Not a bit of a one, but a big one.  Excuses, excuses - yes, I have a lot of them, but really none of them matter.

And here's what I've found: I am a grumpy little grumpster when I don't exercise.  I'm tired, I don't want to eat healthy foods, I don't have any energy during the day, and all I want to do is NOT EXERCISE when I don't exercise.  I hate that place.  I hate,  hate, hate being in that place.

So last week, I had a few really good workouts.  A run or two with Maggie and an Xtend class that I was sore from for days.  I felt amazing, happy, accomplished.  Skinnier even, though I am sure I wasn't, but my body image changed - just like that.

Today, a long walk with Erin and a 75 minute yoga class.  The moment I stepped out of the class, I felt refreshed, stronger, happier and more fulfilled.  Ready to take on more.

So case and point:  Exercise makes me happy.  Thank you endorphins.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  I will not neglect you any longer.


  1. Stick with it'll keep you smiling. I just can't do without exercising and running, it would be like full-time PMS.

  2. Yes. Keep telling me that. While I was pregnant all I wanted was to be able to run again. Now that I can run all I want to do is stay in bed. I'm tired.
