kaylynn and i had a conversation awhile back about a friend she had who trained and completed an ironman and during her training she went to a sports psychologist. the psychologist mentioned that there are two ways people "deal" with their pain during an endurance event. 1) people try to escape the pain and 2) people enjoy the pain. i've tried to determine which type of person i am and i think i am in the first category, most of the time. distractions (iPods, fresh air, people, long chats, thought processes) are my way of trying to "get through" a workout, long run, a race, whatever. the downfall with that is when your distractions run out and you are left with yourself. kaylynn thought she was more of a type 2 runner: she enjoys the pain. i can definitely say that there are moments where i enjoy it as well, but i'm an avoider, not an enjoyer.
jona, i think, enjoys the pain. but he also has a really great mechanism that i thought i'd share. we are huge fans of the coverage of the ironman in kona, hawaii that nbc airs every year.
in 2006, there was a particular elite athlete who was struggling - seriously struggling. the image of this ironman athlete left an impression with jona. and everytime he thinks he's got it rough during a run, he thinks of the ironman and it gives him some serious perspective.
pain and discomfort is certainly unavoidable during some of our runs ... what would you say you are? an enjoyer or an avoider? what do you do to enjoy or avoid the pain and get past it?