Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Went to the doctor on Tuesday ... they diagnosed me with pharyngitis, conjuctivitis, sinusitis, and bronchitis. No lie.

I ran 10 miles (was supposed to be 16) on Saturday when I thought I may be "on the mend". Try again.

Lesson learned (after being on antibiotics now for a few days and feeling "on the mend"): getting that training in to "get it in" is probably not the best idea. Listen to your body. Give it time or you may come out with a few "itis'". :)


  1. just don't forget the jell-o. i'm glad we weren't the only ones. :)

  2. Girl, you get the WORST -itis' out there! You poor thing! Definitely rest. Rest, rest, rest. Your body won't forget how to run...
